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Nov 23, 2012

eNews: EMMETT technique showcasing at 2013 show!

Back Pain Relief with the EMMETT Technique

The EMMETT Technique is a safe and quick muscle release therapy, developed over 30 years ago by Remedial Therapist, Ross Emmett.

What is it?
The EMMETT Technique works by have a practitioner apply light finger pressure to specific locations on the body, designed to initiate the gentle and often immediate release of muscle tension.  Relief from pain and discomfort usually follows soon after.

How does it work?
This is a non-invasive procedure that involves no drugs, massage oils, manipulations or high velocity thrusts. 

It is well known amongst therapists that a major contributor to back pain is typically the pair of inner core muscles called psoas (so-ass) and the associated muscles, such as quadratus lumborum, piriformis and hamstrings.

The EMMETT Technique can quickly bring about balance to these muscles, which can restore pelvic balance and dramatically ease back pain and improve back movement and flexibility.

EMMETT Technique at the show, stand 78
The EMMETT technique team will be at the show on stand 78, where you will be able to see the this technique first-hand.

For further details, visit!