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eNews: BackCare Awareness Week 2012
This week is BackCare Awareness Week 2012, a campaign set up by leading charity, and Back Pain Show Partner, BackCare.
Their aim is to raise awareness for healthier backs, with this year's campaign focussing specifically on the construction industry, which generates 30,000 new back injuries every year.
The Painful Facts
Back pain accounts of half of all chronic pain in the UK and is the leading cause of sickness absence from work. As well as this, the financial burden is enormous:
- EVERY DAY it costs the NHS £1.3 million
- EVERY DAY it costs £13 million in Disability Benefits
- EVERY DAY it costs the UK Economy £37 million
…a staggering £19 BILLION every year!
What can you do? Get involved!
Help spread the word with your own campaign pack. Packs contain the materials you need to promote ‘Awareness’ in your worksite, offer or classrooms!
Join the campaign at www.buildersbackpain.org.uk and don't forget to influence change by signing up to the e-petition.
FREE show tickets: find your solution
Make the first step to finding solutions for your back pain. Click on the button below to download unlimited free tickets to The Back Pain Show 2013 (22-23 February 2013, Olympia, London):
Plus, if you know someone else who suffers from back pain, why not forward them the URL and they can benefit too?
So, help raise awareness this October and we’ll see you at the show this February!
The Back Pain Show 2013 Team